The Huddle Student-Athlete Academic Success Center supports and enables student-athletes to utilize and integrate the academic resources available to students from The Huddle Staff, SBVC Athletic Department, and Athletic Counseling to promote academic success and increase retention, graduation, and transfer rates. The Huddle assists prospective, current, and former SBVC student-athletes with their matriculation to SBVC, their academic success at SBVC and their transfer from SBVC to a four-year university.

About The Huddle

Location: Gym 139 - Across from SBVC Stadium

Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday: Closed.

Contact: Brandy Heller, Huddle Administrative Assistant:; (909) 387-1657

Resources offered to Student-Athletes

  • Academic Counseling Advisement

  • Free Math Tutoring
  • Academic Probation Advisement
  • Graduation checks
  • Application Assistance
  • Overloads
  • Canvas, Starfish, Student Email and WebAdvisor Assistance
  • Printing Access
  • Chromebooks (while in The Huddle
  • Priority B Registration
  • Computer Lab (desktop computer access)
  • Quiet Study Space
  • Education Plans
  • Registration Assistances

Complete Huddle Requirements

  • Athletic Counseling
  • Ed Plan updated every semester
  • Huddle Orientation
  • Huddle Contract
  • Assigned Study Hall hours
  • Grade checks due three times per semester

Study Hours

There is a tiered grade point average requirement for using The Huddle per week:

  • 2.49 GPA or below: 3 hours
  • 2.50-2.99 GPA: 2 hours
  • 3.0-3.49 GPA: 1 hour
  • 3.5 GPA or above: 0

Regardless of a student's GPA, all student-athletes are welcome to use The Huddle.

The Huddle Student-Athlete Orientation

Every summer, The Huddle requires each team to attend The Huddle Orientation. The mandatory orientation aims to offer new students both support and essential information for a seamless and successful transistion into the Athletic Department at San Bernardino Valley College. It covers a wide range of topics, including campus details, course information, NCAA requirements, and available campus resources and services. Additionally it provides explanations for crucial elements such as registration, student support services, and academic and athletic policies.

More Student-Athlete Information

How to Contact The Huddle

Steps to Become an SBVC Athlete

Student-Athlete Terms to Know

Financial Aid